Contact Lenses: Lens Care Solutions

When you are fitted for contact lenses, a particular lens care system is recommended. It is not ideal to change solutions continuously as this may result in corneal intolerance.  These solutions, as you may realize, are generally mild enough to insert the CLs directly into your eyes from, thus they are not strong enough to disinfect for lengthy periods of time.  This is in fact why disposables must be thrown out at the manufacturer approved times.


Soft Contact Lens Care Systems

Rigid Gas Permeable (RGP) Contact Lens Care Systems

RGP lenses must be cleaned and disinfected for safe and comfortable wear.

The lens care system recommended will include a group of products designed to work together to clean, rinse, disinfect and remove protein deposits and to re-wet your eyes if they become dry during contact lens wear.

It is important to use only those systems designed specifically for rigid gas permeable lenses. They are formulated with disinfectants and preservatives proven to work best with the material of which your lenses are made.

If you wish to change your lens care regimen or to try a new lens care product, it is best to discuss this first, even if only by telephone, to ensure that you select products that are compatible with your eyes and will work well.